Aluminium Windows Prices

Published 14 March 2023 by Bart

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Are you wondering about the price of aluminium windows? Our windows range on average between £643.50 to £1,650. To determine how much new windows cost, take a look at our aluminium window cost guide today. At Sternfenster, we make your home improvements journey easy!

How Much Do Aluminium Windows Cost? | Aluminium Windows Prices

Aluminium Casement Windows Prices

Width Height Retail Sales Price
1100 1075 £1,099.56 – £1,343.90
1200 1175 £1,099.56 – £1,343.90
1300 1275 £1,111.89 – £1,358.97
1400 1375 £1,348.31 – £1,647.93

The size of the windows, colour choice and any hardware accessories will be contributing factors to determining your final aluminium windows price. The cost of windows can vary, but we are on hand to help you find the best price for you.

The comprehensive variety that we offer across our aluminium window range makes it difficult to price off the cuff. However, we can still offer you price ranges based on individual specifications. This will allow you to gain a frame of reference on how much you will be spending.


The Cost of Aluminium Windows: What Are You Paying For?

The cost of windows is determined by the size, shape and style of the windows you opt for. We are proud to offer high quality designs that are also cost effective.

Aluminium tends to be a stronger and more durable alternative to uPVC. Therefore, while the upfront cost may be higher, you will be investing in a long term, high quality product that will stand the test of time and outperform alternative options.

By using the innovative aluminium profile from Smart Architectural Aluminium, our aluminium windows excel in quality and performance across the board. You’ll be amazed at our competitive windows costs when you learn of the quality, thermal efficiency, durability and security they offer.

As our windows are ideally suited to both modern and traditional properties, our prices are sure to be a fantastic investment for any homeowner.

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Are Aluminium Windows Right for My Home?

Aluminium windows can be effortlessly tailored to meet any property, both new and old. It doesn’t matter if your home is modern, traditional, period or heritage with our options on offer. No homeowner needs to miss out on exceptional quality.

Our windows come in a range of colours and woodgrain foils. This allows you to make sure that your new windows suit the existing style of your property. Our range of woodgrain foils are perfect for replicating the look of authentic timber. This addition means you’ll be able to enjoy all the benefits of a wooden appearance with none of the headaches that come with a high maintenance material.

All of our colours and foils are finished with a high quality, durable coating. This ensures they uphold an impressive life span. Our colours are also highly resistant to scratches and flaking. This ensures that they will maintain their rich hues for many years.

We also offer a wide range of hardware options that allow you to tailor your windows’ function and appearance. We only offer premium designs to ensure high quality is maintained across the board.

How Should I Measure My Aluminium Windows?

To measure your aluminium windows accurately, make sure to always measure from the outside and in millimetres. This simple, quick process will make sure that your new windows are the perfect fit for your property.

Measure both the height and the width of your windows at three separate points, taking note of the smallest measurement on each occasion. Take away approximately 10mm from the smallest measurement to determine your order size.

We also have a fantastic team of local installers who will be happy to help you take the measurements of your windows if you are unsure.

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Cost of Aluminium Windows

Aluminium Windows Prices: Do Aluminium Windows Keep My Home Warm?

Comprising of incredible modern design, our aluminium windows feature a thermally broken and polyamide bridged profile to ensure they achieve the highest standards of thermal efficiency. This means they achieve an ‘A’ on the WER scale.

This design works to ensure warm air stays within your home for an extended period of time, meaning your hair will remain warmer and more comfortable throughout the year.

This also means that our windows prices will continue to bring value long past their initial value, allowing you to reduce the amount of money you spend on your heating. By increasing the efficiency of your central heating, you’ll also be able to reduce your carbon footprint.

This standard of performance is then enhanced with high-performance weather seals to ensure draughts and water ingress are minimised. These factors can be detrimental to home performance and comfort, which is why we work to secure a design that prevents them.


Price of Aluminium Windows: Are Aluminium Windows Secure?

Aluminium windows intelligently combine an inherently robust and rigid profile with high security, multipoint locking mechanisms to guarantee an outstanding degree of security.

This means that they can offer impressive standards of home security without the bulk of timber and uPVC. By combining function and form, aluminium windows offer more for homeowners.

The locking hardware is expertly integrated into the frame to ensure leverage points are minimised. This means would-be intruders won’t be able to access the lock to break it easily.

This impressive structural integrity also means that they offer an outstanding level of product durability, meaning our aluminium doors prices are sure to be a worthwhile investment for your property.

We also offer a wide range of high-quality glazing options, all of which are expertly designed to capture unrivalled quality across the board. This means your windows will keep you protected throughout.

aluminium installation prices

Aluminium Windows Prices: The Right Style at the Right Price

Although we offer a wide range of aluminium windows, we have chosen two of our most popular designs to illustrate our aluminium windows costs. This way, you’ll be able to see the price tag we place on the best. You’ll also be able to get a frame of reference for how much our other styles will cost you.

Prices of Aluminium Windows

Aluminium Casement Window Prices

Aluminium casement windows are incredibly popular throughout the double glazing market. They have proven themselves to be a classic and much-loved addition to both modern and traditional homes.

The Alitherm 600 from Smart is a modern design featuring innovative technology. This profile is secure and thermally efficient. It features slim sightlines allowing for vast views. Our aluminium casement windows do not compromise.

The table above illustrates our aluminium casement windows prices, based on a range of different sizes. These prices are based on a white aluminium design, featuring external beading, energy efficient double glazing and an external cill.

Aluminium Windows Price List

Instant Aluminium Windows Prices

Contact us today to find out more about our prices for aluminium windows. We are proud to offer competitive and free aluminium doors prices, allowing you to find the ideal cost for you.

You can also find your nearest Sternfenster Approved Installer via our dealer search function. Our network of Approved Installers will always reflect our exceptional aluminium windows prices.

We’ll be able to tailor your window quote to perfectly match your specifications, which will make sure your price is as cost-effective as possible. This way, you won’t have to pay extortionate prices for premium products. We allow you to enjoy the best, for less.

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